Proverbs 6

11  So shall thy poverty come as a robber, And thy want as an armed man.

12  A worthless person, a man of iniquity, Is he that walketh with a perverse mouth;

13  That winketh with his eyes, that speaketh with his feet, That maketh signs with his fingers;

14  In whose heart is perverseness, Who deviseth evil continually, Who soweth discord.

15  Therefore shall his calamity come suddenly; On a sudden shall he be broken, and that without remedy.

16  There are six things which Jehovah hateth; Yea, seven which are an abomination unto him:

17  Haughty eyes, a lying tongue, And hands that shed innocent blood;

18  A heart that deviseth wicked purposes, Feet that are swift in running to mischief,

19  A false witness that uttereth lies, And he that soweth discord among brethren.

20  My son, keep the commandment of thy father, And forsake not the law of thy mother:

35 - Verses in Proverbs 6

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