Lamentations 5

1  Remember, O Jehovah, what is come upon us: Behold, and see our reproach.

2  Our inheritance is turned unto strangers, Our houses unto aliens.

3  We are orphans and fatherless; Our mothers are as widows.

4  We have drunken our water for money; Our wood is sold unto us.

5  Our pursuers are upon our necks: We are weary, and have no rest.

6  We have given the hand to the Egyptians, And to the Assyrians, to be satisfied with bread.

7  Our fathers sinned, and are not; And we have borne their iniquities.

8  Servants rule over us: There is none to deliver us out of their hand.

9  We get our bread at the peril of our lives, Because of the sword of the wilderness.

10  Our skin is black like an oven, Because of the burning heat of famine.

22 - Verses in Lamentations 5
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