By Tom Young

As Diane and I were traveling to visit the kids and grandkids this past weekend, we saw an interesting saying on a denominational building’s marquee in Prattville…”All of God’s Churches are essential”. While one can immediately understand that the thought is referring to the current pandemic and the lack of states allowing members to congregate to some degree, it would be very easy to miss an implied meaning that should not be overlooked; the implication that all churches are approved by God. I would submit that God doesn’t think that all churches are essential and His word makes that clear.

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Whose Name is on the Mailbox?

by Tom Young

Robert Gaylor, retired former Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force, is one of the most sought-after motivational speakers in Air Force circles. His down to earth approach, mixed with his leadership acumen, has inspired thousands of Airmen around the world.

One of the stories that has stuck with me for many years, is one he calls, “Because Our Name is on the Mailbox.” The story is about he and his neighbor, both older (nearing elderly status) outside working in their yards in the unbearable Texas summer heat. Both were lamenting to one another how much they disliked the work they were doing and how hard it was. Finally, after several minutes of complaining, the neighbor asked Robert, “Why exactly are we doing this?” His reply was simple, yet profound: “because our name is on the mailbox!” Translation: these yards are our responsibility and we can’t expect anyone else to take care of what is ours.

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Worship by Singing

by Tom Young

Why has God made worship such a vital part of every true Christian’s life? First, it honors and magnifies Him, which is one of our primary purposes. Second, it strengthens and edifies those who participate. The songs we sing have specific thoughts and messages that increase our knowledge, develop our character, and stimulate our zeal.

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