When covering these types of topics, I am going to have three goals in mind: (1) present the facts and information of the scriptures. This is the primary and most important aspect of our study. “What say the scriptures” must always be our starting point when studying any spiritual topic. (2) Consider all rational conclusions. I will endeavor to present to you what are the current thoughts that exist today in regards to the issue. (3) Offer my own view, at this time, in light of the scriptures and my reasons why I hold the view. Only at the end of the lesson will I try to allow my view to color the study that we have made. As always, I greatly encourage you to listen to the lesson with open minds and hearts that are not tainted with prejudice nor a desire to prove oneself correct. I also greatly encourage you to then take the lesson and study these things for yourself in depth and detail. Finally, after prayerful study, if you have found me in error, I would appreciate a presentation of your thoughts based upon scriptures offered to me. With these things in mind, let us begin our study. There have always been questions and difficulties in trying to understand the nature and person of God. There is considerable disagreement within the religious world concerning the nature of God. It should go without saying that it is important for us to know the most we can about God since we have been called to be like Him. One of the most common descriptions of God is the trinity. Most people understand that the word “trinity” is not found in the Bible. This should always make one on guard when unable to use biblical names. However, there is nothing wrong with using non-biblical names as long as they are accurate. For example, the word Bible is not found in the scriptures, but it is an accurate statement of what we have in our hands. The words “omnipotent,” “omnipresent,” and “omniscient” are also not found in the scriptures but are accurate words to describe God as all powerful, ever present, and all knowing. The greater questions we must ask are these: are the tenets of the belief of the trinity accurate? How does God describe Himself? Is God one or is God three? These are the things we will look at in this lesson.