Do It Again

By Dan Jenkins

There are those events in our lives which need to be repeated. There was great reward when we did them the first time. To do them again can often bring even greater rewards. Consider the following verses which contain the word “again” to see just how true this is.

When we became a Christian, our lives were changed as the old man of sin died, and in baptism we became a new person. “For as many of you who were baptized into Christ have put on Christ” (Gal. 3:27). We began our new lives seeking to follow the example He set for us. However, some Christians lose sight of this goal and become complacent and stop growing.

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Hearing or Listening?

The Bible places great emphasis on the importance of hearing, using the word “hear” over 500 times. Many times it is found in historical references, but when Jesus came He placed special emphasis on the way we hear. Since faith comes by hearing (Rom. 10:17), it is important that we make sure we listen when God’s word is speaking to us, building our faith and directing our lives.

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God’s Final Words in the Old Testament

By Dan Jenkins

Thirty-seven of the thirty-nine books of the Old Testament had been written when Zechariah began his work as a prophet. What had God not reveal to His chosen nation? What more needed to be said before the close of that part of the Bible? The answer to these questions emphasizes the importance of the words of this prophet.

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The Danger of Shallow Biblical Knowledge

By Dan Jenkins

When I was a student at Freed-Hardeman University, the Mooresville congregation near Lewisburg, Tennessee wanted to send me to help spread the gospel in Georgia. Through one of teachers at the college, I made contact with the church in Savannah, and I preached in my first gospel meeting in an attempt to plant the church Statesboro, Georgia.

I was there for two weeks knocking on doors and inviting the people to the upcoming meeting. On the Sunday before the meeting began, I worshiped with the Bull Street congregation where W.F. Buffington was preaching. I will never forget what he said in that Sunday morning Bible class.

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Spirituality: What’s Your Problem?

By Dan Jenkins

So has this COVID-19 impacted your life so much that it has weakened your faith and negatively impacted your spirituality? Before you get too discouraged, think about the lives of the saints who lived before you and what they had to face. COVID-19 has impacted us for about six months, but what they faced often lasted years, if not a lifetime.

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The Divine Vaccine

By Dan Jenkins

For the past year, we have dealt with the onslaught of a powerful sickness which has infected the entire world. Every newscast has given us the number of new infections and the daily total of those who have died. The life of every Christian has been changed because of its presence.

However, we may have lost sight of another “disease” which has rapidly spread all over the world and threatens every person in every home on the earth. That “disease” is sin. It has killed far more every day than Covid-19 has in a year. Sin brings death to all who are infected by it, but we should be ever thankful that there is a Divine vaccine to deal with it.

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When America’s Foundations are Destroyed

By Dan Jenkins

The life of the man after God’s own heart had its great moments of triumph—he had killed Goliath, the nation heralded him as a young man who had slain ten times those slain by Saul. Yet at times, Saul and his army threatened his life, and then later king David’s own son drove him from the palace.

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Parables: Earthly Stories Heavenly Truths

By Dan Jenkins

The disciples of Jesus had no idea about the nature of the kingdom Jesus had come to established. The Old Testament was filled with promises of the coming King and His kingdom, but no one on this earth understood what it would be like (1 Cor. 2:8-9). Jesus used parables to help those disciples see what was about to happen.

In Matthew chapter thirteen, there are eight parables He gave to them. The first describes the coming kingdom being like a man sowing seed. They could not comprehend the meaning and asked Him to explain. The second parable is about a man who sowed seeds into his field and the enemy who came at night and sowed tares (weeds) in that field. They did not comprehend this parable, so He also had to explain to them its meaning.

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Lazarus, Sleep, and Death

By Dan Jenkins

“Our friend Lazarus sleeps, but I go to wake him up” (John 11:11). You know this story and understand what Jesus meant, but His disciples failed to comprehend it. Lazarus was so sick that his sisters, Mary and Martha, sent word to Jesus. Judging by their words which both of them spoke—“Lord, if you had been here my brother would not have died”—the message was sent as a plea to Jesus to come to heal him.

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Finishing the Race and Receiving the Crown

The Bible uses many figures of speech to describe our journey to heaven. The parables of Jesus often take ordinary events to illustrate the nature of the kingdom and the part each of us plays. We are workers in the vineyard, sowers of the seed, merchants seeking a pearl of great price and many others. The writers of the New Testament add another one which the world understands. The Olympic games which involved running originated in ancient Greece. They vividly remind us that like those participants in those races each of us is a spiritual athlete running in our spiritual race.
race olympics

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