By Jim Mettenbrink
No one has had a worldwide impact, such as Jesus of Nazareth has had. And astonishingly, His phenomenal impact actually began after He left terra firma. The absent King of His kingdom still has this nearly unbelievable impact 2000 years later. Why?
Within a normal person is the desire to live and to live on to never die, even denying the possibility of death, even though it is ever present. When we have grandchildren, we see ourselves going into the future, even though observing the deaths of our parents and grandparents, we realize the grave is our destiny. However, unlike anything, literally, everything that has ever existed regarding our own destiny, there is nothing that even compares to the claim of the resurrection of Jesus and His profound promise to raise people from the dead and grant them eternal life with Him. No national or world leader, political movement, nor religion has proposed even a similar claim, especially setting forth concrete evidence to support the claim of an afterlife. Before we consider the evidence, let’s review Jesus’ claim.
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