By David Phillips

Vontae Davis, corner back for the Buffalo Bills professional football team, recently retired. He was drafted by the Miami Dolphins in 2009 and played for the Dolphins, the Colts and the Buffalo Bills. In case you haven’t heard, he retired last Sunday, at halftime of the game in which he was playing. Needless to say, that caused quite a stir. Fellow players called his action “selfish” and “disrespectful”.

Brother Corey Sawyers (Bear Valley church of Christ) offers these wise words: “We assemble with our brothers and sisters in Christ each week. Those assemblies are for the purpose of our building up, encouraging, and comforting each other. While we praise the Lord when we assemble, the edification, exhortation, and consolation that takes place between Christians are vital components of our assembly.

No doubt, you’ll see Corey’s well-made point: “So, we gather together on the Lord’s Day to worship Him just as the Christians of the First Century did (Acts 20:7; I Corinthians 16:2). However, a week is long, and seven days without prayer, Bible study, and fellowship not only makes one week, but it also will make one weak! Many elderships, including ours, have decided it wise to meet at halftime of the week. Am I there? Am I quitting on my teammates – my brothers and sisters in Christ – at halftime? Am I letting them down when they need me the most?” [Daily Bread, 9/19/18]

Where were you last Wednesday night at 7 PM? We need you here – you’re part of the team!


by David Phillips

In the course of a recent work day, I pulled into a parking lot to fill out some paperwork. At a distance, I saw an elderly couple making their way out of a store. The man and woman both appeared to be somewhat feeble, and as they slowly shuffled through the parking lot, I couldn’t tell for sure if he was helping her or if she was helping him. It was only when they reached their car and she helped him painstakingly get seated into the passenger’s side that I could see that she was the stronger.

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Godly Defiance…The Faithful will not Bow

by Fenter Northern – Northern Notes XLIX

“Our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace. But if not, be it known unto thee, O king, that we will not serve thy gods.” Daniel 3:17

Jesus did not abdicate His role as Savior and Prince of Peace to become political when He referred to Herod Antipas as a fox (Luke 13:32); neither was He being political when He referred to the Roman presence in the Temple area as the abomination of desolation. He was the Son of God. His tongue was always under perfect control in harmony with the will of God. However, the aggression of wicked politics in His day motivated Him to speak out with words of warning to the disciples. Christians are told to be prepared always to give an answer to those asking about their faith (I Pet. 3:15). In so doing Christians must be careful to have their words spoken with grace, seasoned with salt—that is, to speak the truth in gentle kindness. However, some it seems, would speak grace and omit the salt. The grace of God and the salt of His word are inseparable in preaching salvation. (Rom. 1:16).

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Neither Could They Blush

by Fenter Northern – Northern Notes XLVIII

“Were they ashamed when they had committed abomination? nay, they were not at all ashamed, neither could they blush: therefore shall they fall among them that fall:” Jer. 8:12

The media have always dealt with sensationalism and sinful lifestyles. This nation was born in a crisis and has been through one after another since its founding. Good people have cried peace, peace and there is no peace. While the headlines have always been satiated with the ugliest things happening, it seems to have run amuck in this generation. There is a lust for power that has come to the forefront in national politics that is insane to have its way or destroy peace. No good thing can be acknowledged among the noblest enterprises if the sponsors of such are not in agreement with those seeking control of our nation at the cost of honor, dignity and best national interests. Sins are running rampant with little restraint which will destroy us. Murder, ungodliness in all forms, rape, unjust accusations for personal gain, theft, incest, adultery. But I need not tarry on this because all good people observe this every day, and are convinced this world is not our home, and that we are; passing through to the promised environment to come wherein dwells peace, goodness, and brotherly love. This is not just wishful thinking and happy talk but is certified by the resurrection of the son of God from the grave. The most renown atheists have mocked it but are unable to disprove it.

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Sunday Evenings

I have a confession: I love Sunday night church assemblies. There, I said it. I know it’s beginning to sound old-fashioned. I also know it’s going above and beyond the “minimum requirements” God has asked of His church on the Lord’s Day. But Sunday evenings are incredible opportunities for God’s people and are full of potential for the work of God.

I can’t speak for anyone else, but I can share with you why I believe our congregation is stronger because of our Sunday evening services.

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Tool’s in God’s Toolbox

by Neal Pollard

Romans 6:13 tells us our body is an instrument, and we choose to use it for righteousness or unrighteousness. The Greek work translated “instrument” there means “tool or weapon.” What kind of tool or weapon are you? Are you an instrument God holds in His hand to do His will?

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The Influence of Humanism (Atheism). Impact on Religion

by Jim Mettenbrink

The foremost tactic to foster godless and standard-less Humanism in the hearts of men, is to undermine their faith in God and the Bible. Could this be done and the people not know it?

Humanism’s best ally was and is liberal theology which arose out of the Enlightenment and its child “Higher Criticism” of the Bible. In effect, at best it has caused folks, especially those who went to theological schools, to at least doubt that the Bible was actually God’s absolute and unchangeable revelation to mankind, if not simply consider it as just another humanly authored book.

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The Eyes of God

by Tim Dooley

From false balances and just weights to pride and humility, Proverbs 11-15 reminds us of the vast dichotomy between the righteous and the wicked. In a world that seems to ever blur the lines between good and evil, sees little difference between right and wrong, and often sees the right as wrong and the wrong as right, we need to be reminded that God doesn’t…and He sees everything!

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Worship by Singing

by Tom Young

Why has God made worship such a vital part of every true Christian’s life? First, it honors and magnifies Him, which is one of our primary purposes. Second, it strengthens and edifies those who participate. The songs we sing have specific thoughts and messages that increase our knowledge, develop our character, and stimulate our zeal.

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Blest Be The Tie That Binds

by Gary Colley

The apostle John, “the disciple of love,” recorded the words of our Lord, saying, “A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another” (Jn. 13:34). Jesus proved His love by teaching these men and by His willing sacrifice for sin on the cruel cross. By having this sacrificial, self-denying love, His disciples would be identified as belonging to the Lord.

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