Move Your Chair

Bret Petrillo via Daily Bread

The very accomplished architect, Frank Lloyd Wright, built a house for businessman Hibbard Johnson back in 1937. One rainy evening, Johnson was entertaining some very distinguished guests for dinner when the roof began to leak and drip directly on top of Johnson’s head. Furious and embarrassed, he called up Wright and complained about the roof leaking on top of his head. Frank Wright simply replied, “Well Hib, why don’t you move your chair?”

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Another Look at Nadab and Abuhu

By Dan Jenkins

A new religion for the Jewish nation was revealed at Mt. Sinai. It was so different from the way men had worshiped and served God for thousands of years. There had been no written law for men, but now commandments and statutes were revealed through Moses. There had been no national priesthood, no temple, no annual feasts, no place worthy of the title, the most holy place. It was all changing.

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Taking a Stand for Jesus

Part 2 (Part 1 – Being Faithful to Jesus)

To love God with all of one’s being is not only an expectation by God for all of mankind, but it is His command for Christians. That Christians must sacrifice much for Jesus is a given – “…whoever of you does not forsake all that he has cannot be My disciple” (Luke 14:33). Part of this sacrifice is taking a firm and unwavering stand for Jesus. “He who is not with Me is against Me, and he who does not gather with Me scatters” (Luke 11:23).

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Being Faithful to Jesus

That we humans have the desire to be included and accepted is very obvious. Folks go along to get along. Folks will grumble about their dissatisfaction, but not to take action to resolve the problem, and thereby be excluded from the group. So it takes strong conviction and courage to oppose the flow. The political correctness being increasingly infused into our thinking for over 30 years has even spawned legislative action – hate crimes.

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Where the Wind of God Blows

By Fenter Northern

THE DAYS of the restoration movement of the Lord’s church in the latter part of the 19th and early part of the 20th century were exhilarating times when thousands of souls were baptized into Christ. Congregations dedicated to “speaking where the Bible speaks and remaining silent where the Bible is silent’ began to dot the countryside.

Then, just as a Pharaoh “rose up that knew not Joseph,” and enslaved Israel, so today a generation has risen that cares little for the restoration cause, or has much appreciation for its demands for a “thus sayeth the Lord,” or, its cry of “back to the Bible for it all.

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“Worship in Spirit and Truth means His Spirit and His Truth” ~ John. 4:24

By Fenter Northern

I have been attending worship service for many, many years, I think about it a lot. I know that the Apostle said I must worship my Lord “in spirit and in truth.” As animated as you make the service, you cannot worship God in Spirit without the truth. Many seem to confuse God’s Spirit with their spirit.

The question comes to my mind, just what should each worship mean to me in the current affairs of my life? And, how can I receive as much as possible from each worship period to help me conform my life to the will of God. When the last amen is said, and I walk out the door, how should that experience in worship have helped me face another day of noisy distractions and unexpected temptations?

Prayer is central in worship. We close it with the little word Amen which conveys stirring, deep meaning. Just what does it mean? It conveys the basic purpose of what a worship is all about.

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A Spot the World Cannot Remove

By Fenter Northern

“Unto them that look for him shall he appear the second time without sin unto salvation.” ~ Heb. 9:28

Caiaphas and his lackeys were gathered at Golgotha that fateful Friday, all outwardly adorned in their religious gowns. They gloated with each nail driven through the hands and feet of Jesus.

They delighted seeing the sinless Son of God wince and contort in pain as the callous soldiers pinned him to two wooden beams. Those were the exemplary holy men, posing themselves as guides to the blind, showing the way of salvation to the poor and common Jews. In truth they were quite the contrary being only delegates of the devil who had turned God’s house into a den of thieves, now carrying out the will of their prince of darkness. Jesus called this moment, “the hour of darkness.”. He had this moment in mind near Caesarea Philippi when said He would build his church and the gates of hell would not prevail against it. The priests who were killing God’s son that Friday wanted to hurry to get the affair over. They must rush home to celebrate the Passover feast, callously ignorant they had just slain their Messiah, the Lamb of God.

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“Mr. Trump, Ms. Pelosi, and Mr. Schumer: You Cannot Serve God and Mammon”

By Tom Wacaster

The Democrats regained control of the House of Representatives this past week. Nancy Pelosi was handed the gavel once again, and no sooner had she put on the mantel of leadership than one of the newest members of Congress, Ocasio-Cortez attempted to buck Speaker Pelosi. The reason is not all that clear to me (as are many of the hair-brained ideas that the far left is pushing). This rising star of the far left is determined to stir the waters of Washington and ruffle a few feathers along the way. I really think she is seeking to make a name for herself in hopes of making a Presidential run down the road. Why else would she immediately call for a change in the Constitution to eliminate the age requirement for someone wanting to run for the highest office in the land? I want to assure you that it is not my intention in this week’s article to pontificate on politics. It is important, however, to take a quick look at the counter-movement to what Ocasio-Cortez, Bernie Sanders, and other radical socialists are offering, and see whether any movement that leaves God out of the picture can ever hope to provide us with national stability and/or happiness.

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Understanding Better Our Confession of Christ

By Fenter Northern


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Only One Resolution Matters

By Jim Mettenbrink

One of the fortunes of the New Year is the resolve to be and do better – lose weight, (especially after holiday feasting), paint the house, more discipline in chores and work, better work and the list goes on ad infinitum. We call them “New” Years resolutions. Often the same ones are repeated year after year, but like a firecracker dud, soon fizzles and are forgotten. Unfortunately, these resolutions are all focused on the temporal, the here and now.

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