Thoughts from Quarantine, Pt 19 – Bless (Praise) the Lord

By David Phillips 

Psalm 34:1-8

The superscription (the short statement at the beginning of many of the Psalms, giving the writer and often the circumstances of writing) at the beginning of Psalm 34 identifies it as having been written during the time recorded in 1 Samuel 21-22.  David had fled to Gath and was hiding from Saul among the Philistines.  The servants of Achish, King of Gath recognized David and reported him to the king.  Fearful for his life, David pretended to be insane, scratching on the doors and even drooling on himself.  The act was convincing, and Achish drove David away.  Fleeing to the cave of Adullam, he was joined there by his family members and everyone who was in distress…and in debt…and discontented…and he became captain over them (1 Samuel 22:2).

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Thoughts from Quarantine, Pt 18 – True Character

By David Phillips

True Character

One of the interesting things about the nationwide COVID-19 crisis is the unprecedented revelation of true character it has brought about.  We’ve always heard that true character comes out in a crisis – and now we can see it clearly.  From the selfish “survival instinct” revealed by those who hoard hand sanitizer and toilet paper, to the frightening lust for power seen in many political leaders and public officials, we are getting a clear view of what people are made of.

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Thoughts from Quarantine, Pt 17 – More ‘Essentials for Christ’ K-O

By David Phillips

More Essentials

Well, it’s Monday and time for more alphabet soup.  We’re starting out each week with an ongoing discussion of Essentials for Christ, letting the alphabet remind us of some essential attitudes and qualities that are absolute essentials to the Christian.  We’ve made it through J, covering aim, brotherly love, confidence, dead, edification, faithfulness, growth, humility, intention, and joy.  Let’s take 5 more:

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Thoughts from Quarantine, Pt 16 – Same Servant

By David Phillips

The Same Servant

Can He Depend on You?  That is the title to a song we sometimes sing in worship services.  The chorus goes like this:  Can He depend on you, His blessed will to do?  Will you be crowned with the faithful and true, can He depend on you?  Verse 3 of the song gets right down to the point we need:  He is preparing in heaven a home for all His faithful and own; Are you preparing to stand by His side, or in that day be denied?  Have you told others the story of love, showing them what they should do?  These are the precepts that come from above, can He depend on you?

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Thoughts from Quarantine, Pt 15 – Contentment

By David Phillips

Not that I am speaking of being in need, for I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content.  I know how to be brought low, and I know how to abound.  In any and every circumstance, I have learned the secret of facing plenty and hunger, abundance and need.  I can do all things through Him who strengthens me. Philippians 4:11-13.

Oh, if only we could master that matter of being content with whatever situation we are in.  But just what is that contentment that Paul speaks of, and how can we get it?  Our modern dictionary defines content or contentment as “being in a state of peaceful happiness”.   I don’t think God necessarily wants us to be peacefully happy with every situation we find ourselves in.  Perhaps this misunderstanding is part of the reason some people accuse Christianity of being unrealistic.  Again, what is this matter of being content that Paul exemplifies?

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Thoughts from Quarantine, Pt 14 – Deserve

By David Phillips

“We certainly deserve it.”

That was the way one local weatherman called attention to the run of mild, low-humidity days that we are enjoying this week here in Central Alabama.  His obvious point was that after such a wild and stormy Easter Sunday, with more than 30 storm-related deaths across the South, we could well use a few days of nice weather. I understand his point, and the use of that figure of speech is fairly common, but maybe there’s an indicator in it of a little problem we have.

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Thoughts from Quarantine, Pt 13 – More ‘Essentials for Christ’ A – E

By David Phillips

More Essentials

Last Monday, we started out the week by noting some Essentials for Christ.  Though I didn’t do so on purpose, I started with the letter “F” and proceeded in alphabetical fashion to “J”, discussing 5 essential elements to serving the Lord.  Today, we’ll follow that pattern again, except we’ll back up to the beginning and fill in the gap we left last week.  Then each Monday, as long as this ordeal continues, we’ll follow the alphabetical pattern to the end.

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Thoughts from Quarantine, Pt 12 – Suffering

By David Phillips

In the sermon this morning, we’ll be looking at Jesus’ example and our obligation to follow in His steps, from 1 Peter 2.  One of the things that Peter calls attention to in that chapter, in addition to the fact that Jesus suffered for us, is that we will sometimes have to suffer in this life.

There are many different aspects to suffering, and Peter’s point seems to be centered on persecution.  However, we sometimes suffer because of circumstances or conditions of life.  Many would say we have been brought to suffer from the present distress caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.  We certainly have been disrupted, and severely inconvenienced.  Many are suffering financially from its effects, and those whose health has been attacked by the virus, along with their loved ones and caretakers, have certainly suffered.  My point is that suffering is a broad term, covering many aspects of a lot of different things.  Peter’s points in this chapter reinforce what the Hebrew writer said in Hebrews 4:14-15Therefore, since we have a great high priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold fast our confession. For we do not have a high priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but One who has been tempted in all things as we are, yet without sin.

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Thoughts from Quarantine, Pt 11 – Worry

By David Phillips

“Who was that masked man?”

I know many of you reading this are too young to remember those early commercials for The Lone Ranger on radio and TV.  Anyway, just going to Walmart now has taken the appeal right out of that line.  At least we are still allowed to go to Walmart, mask or no mask, that’s something to be thankful for.  I really feel for those businesses that are NOT Walmart, who are close to being sidelined right out of business.

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Thoughts from Quarantine, Pt 10 – Compensate

By David Phillips

I think this is Wednesday.  At least I told myself that when I woke up this morning.  That’s a habit of mine, to think about what day it is when I first wake up, probably because as I get older, I need more reminders about some of the most basic of things.  And quite frankly, the past three weeks of interrupted routine have made it a little harder for me to keep up with some of the most basic parts of my schedule without more reminders.

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