Thoughts from Quarantine, Pt 29 – Walking in the Light

By David Phillips 

Walking in the Light

There is great assurance to be found in the words of 1 John 1:7 But if we walk in the light, as He is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sin. From this verse, we understand that for the child of God who is walking in the light, the cleansing blood of Jesus works continually not only to cleanse one from past sin, but to cleanse us in an ongoing way, of sin that works its way into our lives, despite our efforts to walk in the light.

No question about it, there is no such thing as a sinless human being, not even one who has obeyed the gospel and become a child of God.  No one lives without making mistakes.  1 John 1:10 makes this abundantly clear: If we say that we have not sinned, we make Him a liar, and His word is not in us.

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Thoughts from Quarantine, Pt 28 – Glad

By David Phillips 


Psalm 122:1 says, I was glad when they said to me, “Let us go to the house of the Lord!” Sometimes we are given an indication of the time or of the setting in which a particular Psalm was written.  Of this one, the superscript only informs us that this is a song of assents, written by David.  A song of ascents is generally accepted to be a song that was sung by the worshipers as they made their way up to Jerusalem to worship at the three solemn feasts.  These Psalms were not necessarily written upon the occasion of ascending to Jerusalem, but were writings from the past that were typically used for the occasion of approaching the city, or the temple to worship.

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Thoughts from Quarantine, Pt 27 – Ice Cream and Chewing Gum

By David Phillips

 Ice Cream and Chewing Gum

According to what you are accustomed to…”  We judge many things today by that very standard.  In fact, that criterion alone is the basis for certain decisions in many people’s minds.  If you’ve gotten hooked on Blue Bell ice cream but in these tight times you’ve decided to try the cheaper store brand, you’ll see all kinds of problems with the cheaper stuff, mostly because it is not what you are accustomed to.  All of this also calls attention to our sense of adaptability, because if you stick with the store brand for a while and develop a taste for it, even when times are flush again, you’ll stay with it because not only have you become accustomed to it, but it saves money as well, so now you can afford more chewing gum.

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Thoughts from Quarantine, Pt 26 – Uncoverupable

By David Phillips


Yep, Microsoft Word definitely drew a red line under that one.  That’s my new word for this week, and I really like it.  No, I didn’t get it from George W. Bush (remember “they misunderestimated me”?).  It did come from a talk radio host, though, and I believe he was commenting on the unusual fact that members of the very liberal press have weighed in on what a travesty certain rogue members of the US Department of Justice perpetrated on General Michael Flynn, resulting in what now appears to be an unjust conviction for lying to the FBI.  What was done by those agents “must have been uncoverupable.”

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Thoughts from Quarantine, Pt 25 – More ‘Essentials for Christ’ U-Z

By David Phillips

A Few More Essentials

Good Monday morning.  We have only 6 letters of the alphabet left for this study, so let’s take all 6 to see what reminders they give us about things that are essential to serving Christ.

Upright.  This is an Old Testament word, only being used in the KJV of the NT to describe posture, as in standing upright.  However, we find it often in Job, Psalms and Proverbs.  Three times in the first couple of chapters of his book, Job is described by God as perfect and upright. The Psalmist and the wise man of Proverbs both use the term synonymously with righteous.  The basic definition of the term, as used in scripture, is rightness, as in right living.  Surely that’s an essential in pleasing God.

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Thoughts from Quarantine, Pt 24 – A Better Example

By David Phillips

A Better Example

I pointed out in this morning’s sermon that our personal study theme for May is “Seeing beyond myself to be a better example.”  The passages that go along with the theme are Philippians 3:17-21, Matthew 5:13-16 and 1 Thessalonians 1:6-10.

It cannot be denied that selfishness is the enemy of all attempts at right living.  It seems that selfishness is as prolific as it has ever been.  In fact, practically every year that goes by could be described as “the most selfish time ever.”  I don’t think there has ever been an occasion when, of the world in general, you could say, “well, I don’t think people are as selfish as they used to be.”  Selfishness seems to be as progressive as any type of sin.  By its very nature, sin is destructive and never backs up.

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Thoughts from Quarantine, Pt 23 – The Land Never Stops

By David Phillips

The Land Never Stops

Much like everyone else in the business of selling products, John Deere has been featuring a radio ad lately that is obviously designed to appeal to the down-home, back-to-basics streak that most of us have running through us.  “The land never stops”, says the deep, comforting voice.  No doubt they are hoping you’ll buy a tractor, and I guess we can’t fault them for trying.  At least they will probably cause some to be reminded that we owe a large debt of thanks to those who farm the land to grow and produce our food.

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Thoughts from Quarantine, Pt 22 – Disappointment and Hope

By David Phillips

Disappointment and Hope

No matter where you stand on how our nation and state have dealt with the Cornoavirus Pandemic, you are likely very ready for things to get back closer to normal for our everyday lives.  We’re being told that there is going to have to be a “new normal” in the future, but just what that is going to be still remains to be seen.  Perhaps you were, like me, disappointed that the Governor’s announcement yesterday DID NOT make any provision for the resumption of public worship services.  I was really hoping that we would be allowed to meet together in the church building on Sunday, even with “social distancing” rules and other reasonable accommodations.  But, maybe in a couple more weeks…

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Thoughts from Quarantine, Pt 21 – More ‘Essentials for Christ’ P-T

By David Phillips

More Essentials

Good Monday morning, looks like it’s time for more alphabet soup.  We’ve made it through the letter O in our look at Essentials for Christ on Mondays, so let’s grab 5 more.

Preparation.  In pretty much any worthwhile endeavor, preparation is one of the basics.  But where many things that we may tackle require preparation before getting started, Christianity involves an ongoing process of constant preparation, growth and development.  The more we practice it, the stronger it becomes.  Effort directed toward prayer, Bible study and pure living all work together to prepare us for our Heavenly reward.

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Thoughts from Quarantine, Pt 20 – Spiritual Multitasking

By David Phillips 

Spiritual Multitasking

Number 20, can you believe that?  In one way, it doesn’t seem like there’s been enough time for twenty of these since I started.  In another way, it seems like this Coronavirus pandemic has been going on and on for a long time.  Let’s hope, and pray, that it is about to start winding down.

In worship this morning, the sermon will be connected to Isaiah 40:31, which says …but they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint. 

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