10 Reasons Why I Long for Heaven

By Tyler King

1. That’s where God is (Rev. 21:3a) – I have experienced, first-hand, how God has treated me and cared for me on this earth. He spoils with abundant blessings despite being non-deserving of such treatment. On top of that, this world has been subjected to futility – there’s no logical reason why He should care for me the way He does, but He does. And I get to be with Him forever.

2. That’s where my Mentors are (Rev. 21:3b) – In a very real sense, I have befriended a multitude of people contained within the scriptures. I relate to Paul when he considers his flaws but looks to the future. I partner with Peter when he speaks quickly (sometimes too quickly). I appreciate so much the encouragement Barnabas gives me. I look up to my leaders like Nehemiah and Jehoshaphat. I admire incredible women like Mary and Ruth. I hope they don’t mind, but I’ve adopted them as friends. And I get to be with all of them forever!

3. That’s where the City is (Rev. 21:2, 12-27) – My current job requires a bit of travel which means I get to experience a lot of states and cities. One thing is for sure; there’s no such thing as a perfect city. The New one though, will be free of crime and debris. It will be safe from disaster and calamity. It will have a landscape like we’ve never imagined and the architecture will demand your attention.

4. It’s more Real than we know (Heb.8:5; 10:1) – What we experience and see in this world is just a mere glimpse of a passing life. The Hebrew writer states that “these things” are just a shadow of the heavenly things. We determine reality based off our senses. God bases reality off of existence. Therefore, the eternal abode remains the true reality.

5. That’s where family is (Heb. 2:11) – The Hebrew writer also tells us that Jesus is not ashamed of His brothers. If Christ considered His church a family, then there’s a certain obligation for us to do the same. In some instances, Divine blood runs deeper than kin blood. There isn’t a doubt in my mind that the validity of the previous statement will be recognized in eternal life. With that aside, it will also be absolutely wonderful to see all of my family members that have gone on before me.

6. That’s where we’ll really know it was worth it (Rom. 8:18) – We can dream and sing of heaven, but we really can’t experience it 100% until we’re there. Paul would make note of heaven’s glory out-ruling the suffering of this life. I can’t give you all the specifics of that place, but I can assure you that no one will think, “this is it?!” However great you think heaven is, I promise you it’s better.

7. It’s Paradise – There’s a really cool thread that takes place in the Bible with the word “paradise.” The Greek Old Testament describes the garden in Genesis as Paradise (Gen. 2:8). Jesus tells the thief on the cross, “today, you’ll be with me in Paradise” (Luke 23:43). The saints are promised to eat of the tree of life in Paradise, if they remain conquerors (Rev. 2:7). In Genesis, the garden was paradise before it was  corrupted in the following chapter. Our future dwelling place holds the same resemblance. We get to dwell in a paradise!

8. There is eternal rest (Heb. 4:11) – Don’t get me wrong, I love working. However, napping is a favorite hobby of mine. There’s just something about having those lazy days from time to time. It will be an incredible feeling to be in a place where we know our work is done. A permanent, restful, state of being.

9. We will have new bodies (Phi. 3:21) – I try and stay as healthy as possible, but it can be difficult. Especially when you’re an adult with a child’s mind and you end up making life choices like having cheesecake for breakfast. And then there are other times where life happens and you get hit with a negative prognosis that is unrelated to your efforts. There will be no need for worrying about decline in health. No disease or sickness. No prescription contacts. No dental pains. No faults. Though it may be a strange point to bring up, it is something that I am excited for nonetheless.

10. It will be a place to belong (Rev. 21-22) – There are two AWFUL feelings in this world. One, the state of loneliness. Two, the feeling like you don’t belong. If you’ve experience one or both of these, then you know what I mean. However, there will be no divisions in that land. We will be united together, and there will never be a feeling of being alone or cast out.

Posted in Selected.