The Radical Entrance to Jesus’ Kingdom (30)

By Jim Mettenbrink

Last week we scratched the hem of the impact of the religion of Secular Humanism on Christendom, that surfaced nearly 50 years ago. Over 30% of the adults admit they are atheist, agnostic or simply do not care about the standard of ethics and morality in the Bible. Far more are those who say they believe in God but in reality disregard His standard. In other words, they are functional atheists, being true to their Humanist hearts – they do whatever and whenever they desire. Even God’s standard of a stable society has been scuttled. Lifelong, heterosexual monogamous marriage, the corner stone of society as God defines it, is now treated as bilge.

President Regan expressed remorse that his greatest political mistake was as a governor signing the no-fault divorce law in 1969. Until then, even the secular state’s reverence for marriage was evident in long waiting periods to decree a divorce, a year or more. Because of biblical influence, the state recognized societal stability was grounded in God’s order of marriage. Since 1969, marriage has become as disposable as napkins. Thus single parent homes, especially with no dads. Of all shootings, 82% come from fatherless homes. Of all highschool dropouts 71% come from fatherless homes. Fatherless homes are an ominous cloud over our future as a stable nation. In large part, it is a result of licentious sex. No respect for God’s order of sexual purity. Further, a friend who worked in a juvenile detention facility remarked that all but one of the boys who were guilty of rape came from fatherless homes. The other suffered from an abusive father. These sad facts rise because God and His word has fallen from our cultural standard and stature – Christendom is waning.

To compound this, decreeing homosexual relationships as “marriage,” has the effect that marriage really is not sacrosanct. On April 16, 2015, Daniel Greenfield wrote, “Same-sex “marriage” is not about men marrying men or women marrying women, it is about the deconstruction of marriage between men and women….the abandonment of responsibility by twenty and even thirty-somethings.” After studying the rise and fall of 86 societies and civilizations, J.D. Unwin concluded that when a society honored pre-nuptial chastity with “absolute heterosexual monogamy” for at least three generations that the society exceeded all others in every measurable cultural sphere (Sex and Culture, 1934).

By radically turning away from socialist, anti-family policies, after 10 years of pro heterosexual marriage (2010-20), Hungary enjoyed the highest number of marriages in 40 years and the lowest number of divorces in 60 years. That begins with reverence for God’s order of marriage.

Posted in Jim Mettenbrink.