In the Crucible of Cultural Change

By Fenter Northern

“So then, brothers, stand firm, and cling to the traditions that you were taught by us, either by word of mouth or by our letter.” ~ 2 Thess. 2:15

The blustery winds of cultural change are blowing havoc around the world. Our nation is no exception. Sadly, the Christian religion is caught in the vortex of global humanism which always prospers most in nations experiencing a period of prosperity as our great nation has since WWII.

In the aura of prosperity, religion is modified; God is separated from His will, and a different Jesus emerges separated from his word. Material sufficiency becomes the god of comfort and entertainment becomes the opium offered to fill the spiritual vacuum. Youth thinks what they hear at liberal churches is the divine way. They are too young to recognize the decades of change.

He that hath ears to hear can hear the winds of change and see them slowly suffocating the spiritual word from some churches, then resurrecting a new fiction fashioned in man’s own image offering worship preferences wherein vital first principle Bible doctrine is muted. It is astonishing to see people sit during a religious performance with their Bibles open before them, hearing a good, comforting, therapeutic talk that keep them ignorant of what one must do to be saved–the rock of Christianity.

A love for God is preached disassociated from personal inconveniences such as Bible baptism by immersion for the remission of sins and the observance of the Lord ’s Supper on every first day of the week as illustrated in God’s word.

Some congregations that once loved the Bible way of doing things, are now influenced by the world that has crept into the membership through bland teaching. Like Ephesus in Revelation, many have left their first love for the whole of Bible truth they had several years ago.

True love that saves is emphatically posted in the scripture in these words: “If you love me keep my commandments.”

These commands cannot be divided into those humanly approved and ignored.

Congregations that made slight variations in their worship a few years ago have now progressed to major changes, the usual destiny of any departure. In some instances, a few have suggested that Church of Christ be changed to a name they feel is more generically appealing. I agree if false doctrine is taught.

I feign I can almost hear weeping from those departed evangelizing saints of the restoration movement who toiled, sweated, and deprived themselves to establish congregations as New Testament churches. Now, Like Paul, “I marvel that they are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel.”

Congregations where the whole truth is muted are zealous in youth programs. Young people are ungrounded in sound teaching therefore impressionable. In a few years some will be liberal elders. Liberal churches are usually ambience oriented with an expensive eye for spectacular bigness. Their leadership is production and pragmatically driven with little regard for worshiping the Bible way. Visitors could attend a service for weeks, hearing excellent moral sermons, without hearing a single message on what they must do to be saved. This contemporary gospel in some congregations place its emphasis on praise, fellowship, and fun, omitting sober, vital, doctrinal instruction. Growth is sought at the sacrifice of teaching the full gospel. Such is seeking growth while sacrificing the distinct calling to be the pillar and ground of the truth.

Good works, excellent youth programs, and family emphasis are commendable. They also can veil undesirable Bible doctrine

Posted in Fenter Northern.