By Neal Pollard
- I need the fellowship of Christian family in the middle of a week spent exposed to the world.
- I draw strength from the teaching of God’s Word and the comments others make on the subject being studied.
- Others need my encouragement and influence, and my presence can be so faith-building to them.
- Bible class teachers have taken precious time to prepare and deliver their material.
- I believe God is pleased with my making such a commitment and a sacrifice, though it’s so little compared to all that He has done for me.
- It builds my interest in spiritual things.
- I believe it helps contribute to the overall strength and influence of the local church.
- It is an affirmation of the eldership’s wisdom to have such classes in the first place, where they seek to help give me spiritual food.
- I live by the philosophy that I make time for what is most important and valuable.
- My family is guided by my leadership and priorities.
- I live in a nation that allows me to freely assemble to build and express my faith, and I do not want to take that for granted.
- I have so many great memories of Wednesdays, and I continue to make them.
- Though I have often arrived tired and frazzled, I have almost always left rejuvenated and rejoicing.
- I want to.
What would you add?