By Jim Mettenbrink
The great irony of mankind is that each person wants to live on and on, even eternally in heaven, yet, he wants to be his own god and set his own conditions by which he lives in the here and now, and self-deceptively for eternity. The record of when that malady began is found in Genesis chapter three when Adam and Eve decided to do it their way. Result? Death and separation from God – no fellowship with Him at all because of eating one little prohibited fruit. God gave disobedience a huge three-letter word – SIN!
This blustering arrogance of mankind was aptly declared by Jeremiah, God’s prophet to His beloved people Israel – “they did not obey or incline their ear, but everyone followed the dictates of his evil heart” (Jer 11:8). Yup – They are us! God, leave us alone. Go away.
In April, a PEW poll revealed man’s desire to live without God. 65% of Americans believe they can be “moral and have good values” without believing in God. And 90% of those who did not consider religion important believed they could be moral and have good values. Morality and values were not defined which would have been invaluable to understanding the real motivation of conduct in folks’ lives. For example, the Vice President (Oct 2022) stated it was “immoral” to not support the right of a woman to decisions relating to her body. However, this was couched speech to say a woman has a right to abort a baby conceived in rape. As terrible as the trauma of rape is, the unborn child is totally innocent. No matter how it is spun, abortion is the murder of the most innocent and defenseless person.
Further, “International human rights law, and standards set by international and regional human rights
bodies, affirm that the right to life does not exist unconditionally before birth…” ( Who determined that standard? Man or God? Somehow if a group of people set the standard, it becomes right! Might is right (power & influence)??? This abortion standard is similar to the argument the Nazis made in their Nuremberg trial. Next.